Monday, August 28, 2006


Call Of Da Wild was shocked to hear that former President James "Jimmy D" Douglas and Skunky Ass Gayla have started the process of trying to pick the Interim President. It is rumored that Gayla and Jimmy have tapped former FAMU President Fred Humphries.
From Call Of Da Wilds' sources in and out of state, Freddy was caught into a similar scandal involving an Endowment Chair (Click Here).
Call Of Da Wild has also met Freddy on two different occasions and it remembers arrogant asshole vividly. The guy was so snobbish and he smelled like he'd been drinking that joy juice all night long.
It is rumored that Gayla has been bragging that she and Jimmy have already picked the Interim. I guess the Board members have assigned this duty to Jimmy and Gayla.
Call Of Da Wild wonders what is really goings on?

Please check out the article on Dr. Frederick Humphries tenure at FAMU.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

can someone explain what james douglas has to do with picking an interim president? i thought he left the school? what exactly does the board do if not chose an interim president?

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has just been confirmed that Dr. Priscilla Slade has accepted a teaching position in the School of Business. According to certain rules, she must be paid at least 70% of her presidential salary. Yes, I'm a student.

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CODW why didn't you tell us Prissy was back on campus? I had to hear it from chanel 2 news. Why, why why is this person that has taken the University for so much money be placed back on payroll? What the hell is going on? And students, why aren't yall pist off by this. Hello! These are your dollars getting wasted.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she was not offered a teaching position to accept. she has tenure which means JOB FOR LIFE...

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone taking Slade's Class?

1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I guest dian nicholes is happy her bed lover is back dr slade who is the man. well look like keith and ron will be left in the dark.think about it. what is realy going on you fire honest people.and contenue to hire crook's I think all the students should attend u of h. we dont need a black colleage for what to show the other races. that we fuck up every thing we put or hands on .

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not over because the fat lady havent song.this class action law sute will expline it all.we must get paid.I will post the date when tsu will get served.on the be half of seventeen fired staff personel.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am shocked and very sad to see that the school is such a horrible state. I have heard rumors that Rod Paige has been up for the nomination. If this is true, then that would help the school out greatly after all he is cool with Bush.

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's BACK
But do not concern yourself.every dime is going to the LAWYERS.
Was there some name calling in the Board Meeting on Tuesday?
What was GG escorted out of the meeting?
Does anyone remember the Lodge meetings on Amos n Andy

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The madness continues!

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Call of Da Wild that Gayla Thomas got a $64,000 raise from the 04-05 school year to the 05-06 school year? Yes, I'm a student.

10:20 AM  

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