A Bit Too Far
Call OF Da Wild received a great deal of emails this weekend and most of them all said the same thing, it was unfair. These former employees and even current ones were very angry because they felt that they were loyal to many of their bosses. This current scenario now presents many of the former and current employees with the perfect opportunity to "TELL ALL". One employee has already told Call OF Da Wild that he is going to "level" the playing field by turning in records on his former supervisor. A TSU Veteran commented and said that she is also turning in evidence in on her former boss and how she has spent certain funds. Gayla Thomas and Bobby Wilson are two administrators who have lots to be worried about, especially in light of Wilson's former employee being sentenced to a year in jail for stealing money and his involvement with the Tobacco Education Fund. We caught up with Gayla at Frenchy's and she refused to comment. Call Of Da Wild was told that now they (Bobby & Gayla) had pushed current and former employees "a bit too far".
I am very sadden about the layoffs that occured on Firday. I sincerly hope that ther former employees and their families will be okay. I am glad to hear that some of these former employees are going to turn in evidence on all the wrongdoings. I just wish that they had done it when they saw it was wrong. I understand everyone has to earn a living but in the end those supervisors dont care about the employee and would turn on them in a minute, especially to allow them to take some heat. I wish all former employees all the best and just know that God has a bigger and better plan for all of you.
Turn over information to who? I Hope not general council or internal audit, they are feeding information to (GG), giving her the upper hand on what’s going on. I thought general council and internal audit was suppose to be the two departments were employees could go place their concerns and not be punished but that’s not so….. (GB) Bolt…. Tells (GG) Galya everything, gives her heads up on the complaints so she can clean up her act. (GB) Bolt, you should be fired too for leaking private information. Just in case you didn't know, when employees come to you, IT IS CONFIDENTIAL, HUSH-HUSH, OFF THE RECORD, TOP SECRET (PICK ONE) AND not for you to tell Galya. That's why GG is able to clean up her act before hand.
don't leave out keisha david, she can't be trusted either.
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